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vol.14 número29COPA 2014: a produção biopolítica de uma cidade onde a exceção se tornou a regraConflitos na escola: ensaios para uma política de cuidado índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia Política

versão impressa ISSN 1519-549X


NUNES, Sylvia da Silveira. Racism against black people: subtlety and persistence. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.29, pp.101-121. ISSN 1519-549X.

Racism against black people is a complex and multidetermined phenomenon. The understanding of the psychological dimension of speech concerning racism intersects with the research field of Political Psychology, once they are relations of power that hierarchize the concept of race that underlie racism. The aim of this study was to analyze the speech of college students about racism in Brazil. To achieve that, in-depth interviews were conducted. Hypotheses were developed in order to spot racist and non-racist speech. However, the analysis of the interviews showed that non-racist positioning was rare. The categories elaborated were: the subtlety of racism; racist jokes; blaming the victim; racial quotas; and finally, false neutrality in approaching the subject. However, it was also possible to study the admission of self racism - an attitude that points to the possible dialogue on the subject, in order to mobilize changes.

Palavras-chave : Race; Racism; Racial prejudice; Black people; Political Psychology.

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