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vol.22 número53Entendendo o Ministério da Cidadania em 2019: O discurso político por trás das práticas institucionaisAs políticas públicas na perspectiva de remanescentes de quilombos do Vale do Guaporé índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia Política

versão On-line ISSN 2175-1390


HERNANDEZ, Aline Reis Calvo; BINKOWSKI, Patrícia  e  BOZIKI, Damiane Maria. Instruments and dynamics of public action in the rural territory Campos de Cima da Serra. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.53, pp.171-182. ISSN 2175-1390.

The article aims to analyze the Thematic Chambers (TCs) as instruments of public action in the Collegiate of Territorial Development of the Rural Territory Campos de Cima da Serra, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study had three stages: analysis of secondary data, document analysis and field diary. As a result, it was found that the Family Livestock and Agroforestry CTs have become instruments of public action as they are spaces for collective construction aimed at solving socio-environmental problems, through exchanges between local actors, participatory, decision-making and social inclusion processes. The research concluded that changes in political culture in rural areas and new institutional arrangements between polycentric actors were not enough to generate effective public action. When practices based on the previous model, top-down government policy coexist, the new institutional mechanisms are not so strongly consolidated, despite the continuity of practice of knowledge/doings elaborated by the actors.

Palavras-chave : Thematic Chambers; Rural development; Territorial development policies; Public policy; Participation.

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