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vol.10O humor em três temposHumor e literatura: uma hipótese apoiada na ficção de Graciliano Ramos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1519-9479


COELHO, Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas. The humor in perverse crime. Cogito [online]. 2009, vol.10, pp.62-66. ISSN 1519-9479.

The objective of this study is to investigate the ways in which the humor is presented in the perverse crime. Thus, using the theoretical framework of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, it explores the famous case of 'Landru,' portrayed in the film 'Monsieur Verdoux', by Charles Chaplin. The work suggests that the humor, in the perverse crime, forces the limit of the laughable and it makes edge with the Real, challenging the standards set by culture. It subverts values and produces a deep question about life, it seeks a symbolic inclusion in the culture, dividing the listener/spectator, who tries contradictory feelings of the humor in this context.

Palavras-chave : humor; crime; perversion; serial killer.

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