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 número36Considerações sobre a operância do psicanalista e a política do ato psicanalíticoA transmissão da psicanálise, a política do psicanalista e sua presença nos dispositivos universitários e de atenção à saúde mental índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versão impressa ISSN 1676-157X


FARIAS, Florencia Flor. What do the analysts tell us in the pass?.Traduzido porWilson Alves-Bezerra. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2018, n.36, pp.63-73. ISSN 1676-157X.

The article discusses the device of the pass and its transmission in the School. The termination of an analysis has to do with a decision. But who decides? It is not the analyst, nor the analysand, it is an acephalous decision, it does not depend on the will. It is a moment to conclude, typical of an analytical process that "takes" both the analysand and the analyst. It leads us to think about the complex issue of authorization: In the demand of the pass to the School, the analysand no longer authorizes themselves by the analyst, but rather takes on the task of account ing for the Other, no longer supports the analysand-analyst pair, but instead the analyst-School pair. The pass is an invitation to the analyst to offer their transmission experience. It no longer appears the coaptation of superiors, but of equals, passers, who are also psychoanalysands and are part of the process. The pass is the ability to convey what you discovered in your analysis to others and commit to a new experience in the collective, the School.

Palavras-chave : Authorization; Testimonies; School; Pass; Desire.

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