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 número36A transmissão da psicanálise, a política do psicanalista e sua presença nos dispositivos universitários e de atenção à saúde mentalNarcisismo e seus ecos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versão impressa ISSN 1676-157X


VOGELAAR, Rita Bícego. One more turn-around in teaching and transmitting... to continue doing School in Forum. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2018, n.36, pp.85-90. ISSN 1676-157X.

The article intends to work out the questions: What is teaching? What is teaching psychoanalysis? What is teaching psychoanalysis in the Forums of the Lacanian Field? With the survey of these questions, it discusses the nuances of the concepts of transmission and teaching in the context of the text studies and Lacanian theory for those who approach the Forums of the Lacanian Field. As a conclusion, it proposes that the teaching of psychoanalysis (in the "extensive" section) must be ethically subordinated to its transmission (in the "intensive" section).

Palavras-chave : Lacan; Transmission; Teaching; School; Forum.

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