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vol.9 número2Propensão para inovar e criatividade: um estudo com adultos trabalhadores portuguesesAvaliação do Teste de Associação Implícita numa amostra de estudantes de Psicologia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora

versão impressa ISSN 1676-7314


KINPARA, Minoru Martins. A study of the teacher-student interaction based on the process of knowing. Psic [online]. 2008, vol.9, n.2, pp.197-210. ISSN 1676-7314.

The objective of this work is to show the teacher-pupils interaction, through the analyse of the construction of knowledge process, evaluating the distance that exists between what the teachers make in their classroom and the ideal states proposed by the educational investigation, because we believe that the perception of this distance constitutes a fundamental element to reflect about the problems that accompany the educational intervention. For this reason, we made a study and researched the educational practise, using the system of analyse developed by the researcher Emilio Sánchez and his group of the Department of Psychology Evolutive and of the Education of the University of Salamanca, according to the theme named "teacher- pupils interaction". The mentioned system is organized in three dimensions (what is done, who do and how is done) that permits us to analyse the data collected during the development of the process of construction of knowledge in the classroom researched. What is done are the contents developed in the interaction, Who do refers the degree of responsibility reached by pupils in the interaction, and the how is done is the mode.

Palavras-chave : Teacher-pupils interaction; Educational practise analysis; Construction of knowledge; Text comprehension.

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