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vol.10 número3Formação básica e profissional do psicólogo: análise do desempenho dos estudantes no ENADE-2006Percepção dos estudantes sobre a infraestrutura dos cursos de psicologia: considerações a partir do ENADE-2006 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Avaliação Psicológica

versão impressa ISSN 1677-0471


BASTOS, Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt; GONDIM, Sônia Maria Guedes; SOUZA, Janice Aparecida Janissek de  e  SOUZA, Marilene Proença Rebello de. Basic Trainisg and professional psychologist: an analysis of high education in ENADE-2006. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2011, vol.10, n.3, pp.313-347. ISSN 1677-0471.

Were analyzed undergraduate psychology programs offered by higher education institutions in Brazil, through performance on the National Educational Performance Test (ENADE) of 2006, which compares groups of incoming freshmen and graduating seniors. Indicators of overall performance and data on specific components of the 2006 ENADE test are analyzed, probing especially into their variability considering the type and nature of the educational institution. The interrelationships between undergraduate and graduate education are also studied, noting there is a strong association between quality of performance on the ENADE test and the presence of a postgraduate program at the higher education institution. General results indicate that public (federal and state) present superior performance in relation to municipal and private institutions. The implications of these findings for psychology degree programs in Brazil are analyzed.

Palavras-chave : Professional education; Education of psychologists; Learning assessment; higher education.

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