Serviços Personalizados
Avaliação Psicológica
versão impressa ISSN 1677-0471versão On-line ISSN 2175-3431
VALE, Sílvia Fernandes do; MACIEL, Regina Heloisa e MEDEIROS-COSTA, Mateus Estevam. Teacher Professional Autonomy Scale: adaptation and psychometric properties. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.20, n.3, pp.352-360. ISSN 1677-0471.
This study aimed to adapt the Teacher version of the Professional Autonomy Scale (PAS) for the Brazilian context and investigate its psychometric properties. The scale was applied collectively with 407teachers of schools of the public education system of the municipality of Mossoró-RN. The participants were mostly female (73.8%), with a mean age of 44.33 ±8.37 years. Exploratory factor analyses performed using the Factor software corroborated the existence of two models, with the six-factor structure showing the best fit (χ2 = 27152.374, CFI = 1.001; TLI = 1.001; RMSEA= 0.000), compared to the three-dimensional solution. The internal consistency conferred by Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory. Studies are suggested to confirm a generalizable factor structure for replication purposes.
Palavras-chave : Teacher; Autonomy; Education; Work psychology; Factor analysis.