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Psicologia em Revista

versão impressa ISSN 1677-1168


ZAMBENEDETTI, Gustavo  e  SILVA, Rosane Azevedo Neves da. The conception of network in the sanitary and psychiatric reforms in Brazil. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2008, vol.14, n.1, pp.131-150. ISSN 1677-1168.

This article aims to problematize the construction of the network concept within the mental health context, considering the sanitary and psychiatric reform processes in Brazil. Starting from a genealogic approach, we understand the enunciations about the mental health care network - its presence/absence, fragmentation, bureaucratization, hierarchization - as a problematization field that allows an analysis of the strengths in the historical-social production process of that discourse scheme. Thus, the article identifies to what problems the network concept responds in different historical moments, as well as the discourses that convey it in the psychiatric and sanitary reform context, analyzing how far there are continuities or discontinuities in the network concepts engendered in such discourses.

Palavras-chave : Network; Mental health; SUS; Psychiatric reform; Genealogy.

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