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vol.20 número2A saúde de homens presos: promoção da saúde, relações de poder e produção de autonomiaAnorexia: uma imagem desmascarada índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia em Revista

versão impressa ISSN 1677-1168


NAPOLEAO EUFRAZIO, Washingthon; GOMES, Aline  e  KATSURAYAMA, Marilise. The vision of the undergraduate on the role of the psychologist: a social representation. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2014, vol.20, n.2, pp.232-242. ISSN 1677-1168.

The objective of this research was to identify the social representations in the discourse of academics areas of humanities, exact and health, concerning the student of psychology and the psychologist, and based on the Theory of Social Representations. Participate in this research, academic, Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), a total of 120 students answered an open questionnaire with three questions and a Statement of Informed Consent, and the results were recorded and analyzed. For data analysis we used the technique of thematic analysis or categorical, in other, based on operations dismemberment of text units. We identified many prejudices and stereotypes in relation to the student of psychology. Most university recognizes the importance of the psychologist for society, but most cannot associate it with their area of expertise. The perception of students about the contributions of psychology is very incipient forward to many benefits it can bring both to academics and to other areas of knowledge

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