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vol.21 número3Processos de subjetivação no contexto da monocultura de cana-de-açúcarMurais de ponta-cabeça: reflexões sobre a linguagem e práticas de inversão de sentido índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia em Revista

versão impressa ISSN 1677-1168


MONTIEL, José Maria; AFFONSO, Suselei Aparecida Bedin; RODRIGUES, Stelio João  e  QUINELATO, Eliane. Considerations in respect to self-management of students education through distance education. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2015, vol.21, n.3, pp.464-478. ISSN 1677-1168.

Considering that the autonomy of the students regarding their capability for self-managing their own studies and that the use of strategies of learning accordingly with the formative context play a fundamental role in the success of learning via the Distance Education mode, this study had as objective to understand the profile of the students who attend to this education mode, trying to categorize their levels of satisfaction and perception about the structure of the course, interaction with teachers and tutors, as well about the personal characteristics and cognitive and metacognitive strategies adopted in the process of learning in the EAD (distance education). A descriptive research of qualitative character was made, starting from the construction and application of a scale of teacher perception in EAD with 202 students of courses of graduation in this education mode. The analysis of the results revealed that even though the students claim to have study habits that are conducive to learning regarding the frequency and time dedicated to the study, these same students did not indicate the adoption of strategies that involve the critical thinking about the content studied, such as monitoring their mistakes and successes, revisions or even the search of other sources of study to complement the content

Palavras-chave : Educação a distância; Autonomia do aprendiz; Aprendizagem colaborativa.

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