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vol.4 número4Transubjetividade - sociedade atual: a importância das redes de apoioPerto da dor do outro, cortejando a própria insanidade: o profissional de saúde e a morte índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista da SPAGESP

versão impressa ISSN 1677-2970


SILVEIRA, Cláudia Alexandra Bolela. First reflections about children group psychotherapy and the experiences of the therapist’s pregnancy. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2003, vol.4, n.4, pp.37-42. ISSN 1677-2970.

Pregnancy s a peculiar experience to both women therapists and their patients because it involves concrete and psychic factors in the dynamics of their relationship. The physical change that comes with the growing belly each month, the patients’ curiosity about the baby’s name and sex; in a way the patient has to share his space with this new element in the session. All the time the pregnancy reminds them of the primitive fantasies of their own origins, of their early childhood; it is one more way to reach the unconscious and its desires. This article makes some reflections about the experience of working with the children’s psychotherapy group during the therapist’s pregnancy.  This is the first phase of a series of reflections that will go beyond the pregnancy period, such as the maternity leave and the return of the therapist after the leave.

Palavras-chave : Children group psychotherapy; Pregnancy; Therapist-patient relationship; Maternity.

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