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Revista da SPAGESP

versão impressa ISSN 1677-2970


CECILIO, Mariana Silva; HUEB, Martha Franco Diniz  e  FARINELLI, Marta Regina. Experiencing an Adoption Preparatory Workshop: an experience account. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2018, vol.19, n.2, pp.94-109. ISSN 1677-2970.

This experience account aims to understand how adoption candidates experienced the adoption preparation based on reflexive groups. Ten couples participated of the Preparatory Workshops, of which seven were enrolled in the National Registry and going through the vicissitudes of the process; and three who were already living with their children and wished to formalize the adoption. From the results found, it is noted that several motivations were listed, as well as some fears and doubts about the revelation to the child about their origin, denouncing certain insecurity of the suitors. Issues such as the bond of trust to be built in the relationship were worked out, in addition to the importance of post-adoption follow-up in order to assist parents and children in possible challenges during their coexistence.

Palavras-chave : adoption; preparatory course; adopters; group; experience account.

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