Serviços Personalizados
Psicologia Hospitalar
versão On-line ISSN 2175-3547
BUENO, Livia Maria de Araújo Cunha; GASCON, Maria Rita Polo; MORETTO, Maria Lívia Tourinho e LUCIA, Mara Cristina Souza. Introductory study about humor and anxiety disorders and male identity on patients of dermatologic nursery. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2010, vol.8, n.1, pp.02-19. ISSN 2175-3547.
Skin diseases have influence on human psyche, significantly affecting communication, social relationships and the full exercise of labor function. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the presence of Humor Disorders symptoms and their impacts on male identity of 28 Dermatologic Clinic internee patients. The instruments used were Social Demographic Questionnaire, Mini Exam of Mental Condition and Prime-MD (Humor and Anxiety Module). Through Descriptive Analysis of test results and Contend Analysis of patient's discourse it was possible to observe that the frequency of this kind of disorders could be associated to modifications of self-perception on male identity, especially after removal or interruption of the labor functions due to present of dermatologic injury.
Palavras-chave : Dermatology; Humor diseases; Anxiety; Male identity.