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vol.3 número4A formação do analista e o sonho eterno da regulamentação índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427versão On-line ISSN 1984-980X


FILHO, Raul Albino Pacheco. The neoliberal capitalism and its subject. Mental [online]. 2005, vol.3, n.4, pp.155-173. ISSN 1679-4427.

ABSTRACT The psychoanalysis theory is used to ponder over the subjetc´s alienation in the neoliberal´s capitalism of our days. This paper begins with the exhibition of the subject and society´s psychoanalytical concepts and emphasizes the castration symbolic´s importance in the instauration of the unconscious and in the inauguration of the social network. In this article is mentioned the presence of an originary violence that is part of this process, to which is added new violence´s ways that come from the neoliberal capitalism´s system. The subjet´s "narcissism" and 'perversion' (two strong aspects of this neoliberalism´s era) are characterized differently from their usual ways. Finally, it is standed out the existence of an immense ideological cultural production in the media, in the sciences, in the philosophy and in the arts, that keeps the social´s status quo and sets obstacles to the historical progress and the transformation of the society.

Palavras-chave : Citizen; Society; Psychoanalysis; Social psychology; Violence; Narcissism; Perversion; Capitalism; Neoliberalism.

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