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vol.5 número9Toxicomania: um modo fracassado de lidar com a falta estrutural do sujeito e com as contradições da sociedadeAvaliação da satisfação e do impacto da sobrecarga de trabalho em profissionais de saúde mental índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427versão On-line ISSN 1984-980X


PACHECO, Ana Laura Prates. O feminino e as drogas na atualidade: The feminine and the drugs in contemporary. Mental [online]. 2007, vol.5, n.9, pp.47-61. ISSN 1679-4427.

The work starts from the questioning in respect of the possibility to think in a specificity of the relation between the woman and the drug, such as pointed by some researches that put the chemically dependent women as a specific subgroup. It verifies that the term woman, in this case, refers to the female gender. It presents, then, the psychoanalysis' point of view on the questions of the human "sexualization", which, from Freud, and above all, from the re-reading proposed by Lacan, articulates the woman to a given inscription in a not-all phallic jouissance way. Without intending to overtake the behavior reality by the signifier's, it is proposed, however, some possible articulations between the feminine and the drugs from the Lacan's affirmation (1975) that the drug allows to break the marriage with the phallus. From this hypothesis, it presents a clinical case that permits to follow the place of the drug in the libidinal economy of a woman.

Palavras-chave : Femininity; Drug; Woman; Chemical dependency; Psychoanalysis.

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