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Pensando familias

versão impressa ISSN 1679-494X


PEREIRA, Lorena David; CANAL, Claudia Patrocínio Pedroza; CORREA, Mônica Cola Carielo Brotas  e  RICARDO, Lorena Santos. Maternal perspective and strategy facing communication with a child with autism spectrum disorder. Pensando fam. [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.2, pp.208-222. ISSN 1679-494X.

One of the challenges for family members of children with autism spectrum disorder [ASD] stems from the nonverbal and verbal communication impairments that limit their ability to interact and socialize. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate how the mother perceives the communication aspects of the child with ASD in relation to her and to other people. A questionnaire was used for personal and family characterization and a semi-structured interview based on the Piaget clinical method, was carried out with two mothers of two boys diagnosed with ASD and aged four and six years. Through the analysis based on Piaget's clinical method of the mothers' reports, it was found that they were the people who better understood the children with ASD because they adjusted their mechanisms of communication to their communicative resources. This enabled them to act as mediators of the interests and demands of their children in relation to other people.

Palavras-chave : Autism spectrum disorder; Mother-child relationship; Communication.

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