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vol.14 número2Um olhar psicanalítico sobre o uso das danças circulares como instrumento de trabalho com grupos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


CAETANO, Liandra Aparecida Orlando; SILVA, Felipe Santos da  e  SILVEIRA, Cláudia Alexandra Bolela. Alzheimer's, symptoms and groups: a integrative review. Vínculo [online]. 2017, vol.14, n.2, pp.84-93. ISSN 1806-2490.

Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the cognition and memory, besides the carrier's motor skills. In order to meet the needs and provide a better life quality to the patients, a specific care it's demanded from their caregivers. The aim of this paper was to collect and raise academic productions concerning Alzheimer's disease as well as its symptoms, and group interventions from 2011 to 2016. Regarding the methods, an integrative survey rose our data, that was provided from the following scientific newspapers: PUBmed; BVsalud; Scielo; and CAPES. Once in these newspapers, the words 'Alzheimer', 'sintomas', and 'grupos' were searched, providing us, the produced papers in the specified date. A qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed, which made the integration, of the primary productions to the new data indexation, possible. Concerning the results, it was possible to evidence a total of thirty-five productions, among them, seven in English and three in Spanish. All of the collected data relates to Alzheimer's disease, its symptoms, and models of intervention groups (that aims to increase patients' and its caregivers' life quality).

Palavras-chave : Alzheimer's disease; intervention groups; symptoms.

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