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vol.17 número2Processos de vinculação secundária e desenvolvimento infantilGrupo de adolescentes em serviços de saúde mental: uma ferramenta de reabilitação psicossocial índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


SCORSOLINI-COMIN, Fabio. The minefield: ethical-methodological recommendations for research in ethnopsychology. Vínculo [online]. 2020, vol.17, n.2, pp.94-117. ISSN 1806-2490.

Ethnopsychology is a reference that brings together knowledge of Psychology, Anthropology and Psychoanalysis, being widely used in the investigations that have as scenery the religious communities of African matrix. Ethnopsychological research, faithful to the areas that constitute it, has been developed within a multifaceted range that includes several methods, forms of records and interpretative possibilities combined. The objective of this study is to present and discuss some ethical-methodological aspects that permeate research in religious communities, especially in the Brazilian context, based on ethnopsychology. In terms of the course of this theoretical study, some procedures were approached that can guide the work in these communities, beginning with the development of listening, passing through the construction and analysis of the analytical corpus and, finally, the moment of devolution with the reference community. The ethnopsychological reference must be assumed by the researcher since the choice of the object of study that, many times, ends up being delimited due to the listening of the field itself. The devolution, in this sense, cannot be considered as the delivery of a result, as in the positivist perspectives, but as a possibility of listening that is potent in the continuous interpretation of the field and in the construction of the subjects-researchers.

Palavras-chave : ethnopsychology; umbanda; candomblé; field research.

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