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vol.18 número1A terapia do trabalho, entre o tratamento da loucura, a crise institucional e a legitimação profissional na Open Door de Oliva. Córdoba, Argentina, 1914-1940Acompanhamento terapêutico: um espaço para viabilizar a saúde mental e o olhar do terapeuta na efetivação dessa nova estratégia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


KOWARA, Aline  e  CARNIEL, Isabel Cristina. The voice of autism: the language of pain. Vínculo [online]. 2021, vol.18, n.1, pp.120-127. ISSN 1806-2490.

ABSTRACT Therapeutic Accompaniment began in Latin America, under the influence of Pichon-Rivière's social psychology and within the Psychiatric Reform, representing a clinical activity with the intention of resocialize people who could be linked or not to mental health services. The aim of this work is to report an internship experience in the area of Therapeutic Accompaniment with a young adult diagnosed with mild autism, who has high persecutor, compulsion for accumulation and exacerbated social isolation. Some of the interventions were carried out in the presence of the patient's parents who, through their close bonds, could be identified as participating in both, the illness process and the overcoming of the presented difficulties. Articulating the bonding theory proposed by Pichon-Rivière to the notion of being-with-other of existential phenomenology, the meetings intended to provide an attentive listening to the patient, an understanding of his psychic suffering as well as the limitations attached to it, and a welcome of his own way of being without judgments, but always trying to make him inquire his crystallizations and possibilities of overcoming them. At the end of the sessions, the patient presented a more organized and integrated thought, where the experience of anguish could be lived as an opening to new possibilities of being-in-the-world and being-with-others.

Palavras-chave : Therapeutic accompaniment; Bond; Autism.

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