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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


KYRILLOS NETO, Fuad  e  SILVA, Camila Rubia Araújo. Psychoanalysis and institutions: preambles to the psychoanalyst´s praxis. Vínculo [online]. 2022, vol.19, n.1, pp.75-85. ISSN 1806-2490.

The demand for work by a psychoanalyst manifests in different institutional contexts. Given the various possibilities of performance of this professional, we seek theoretical elements that help us in our reflection on the psychoanalyst´s job possibilities in institutional contexts. To answer that questions, we utilized of theoretical and bibliographical research method in psychoanalysis from the perspectives of Freud and Lacan. We came to the conclusion that psychoanalytic praxis in institutions must be supported by the ethics of psychoanalysis based on the analyst discourse, that promotes analytics acts that consider the institution subject perspective.

Palavras-chave : Institution; Psychoanalysis; Ethical; Discourse.

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