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Ciências & Cognição
versão On-line ISSN 1806-5821
FREITAS, Neli Klix. Human development, cerebral functional organization and learning in the Luria and Vygotsky's thought. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2006, vol.9, pp.91-96. ISSN 1806-5821.
The article approaches questions related to the cerebral functional organization and human development, according to the Luria and Vygotsky's approach. This paper also focuses on other questions in the same direction, such as: sensorial and symbolic systems, language and the importance of the biological and social development of human being. It also deals with a complex conceptual tram in the psychological human functions, related neuropsychology, development and learning.© Ciências & Cognição 2006; Vol. 09: xxx-xxx.
Palavras-chave : human development; cerebral functional organization; learning; sensorial system; language..