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vol.16 número2Entre corpo e percepção: a composição discursiva da figura de Jesus CristoAspectos da afiliação epistemológica da Linguística Cognitiva à Psicologia da Gestalt: percepção e linguagem índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ciências & Cognição

versão On-line ISSN 1806-5821


DE SOUZA KAPITANIUK, Rosemeri Bernieri. Cognition, culture and sign functions: an analysis of semiotic mediation in the historic, social and linguistics development by deaf people. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2011, vol.16, n.2, pp.50-64. ISSN 1806-5821.

The main goal of this article is to approach the "semiotic meditation" in the cognitive, social and linguistic development of a deaf person. Firstly we will provide a few definitions of signs by authors who devoted themselves to develop theories in the field of semiotics (Eco, Peirce, Saussure). Then, we will reflect upon the Vygotskyan sign as mediator of the development of man's higher processes. Then, we will consider some studies of children and deaf communities in order to ponder its development under the optics of the higher operations mediated by the sign. Finally, we will make an analysis of a few constructions of reference in the sign language, by describing some iconic strategies which represent the manipulation of world instruments. © Cien. Cogn. 2011; Vol. 16 (2): 050-064.

Palavras-chave : semiotic mediation; cognition; deafness.

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