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vol.17 número2Dificuldades Alimentares na Primeira Infância:: Uma Revisão SistemáticaA demanda de reparação -: a vítima como figura emblemática na contemporaneidade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281


SANTOS, Camilla Ferreira dos  e  CAMPOS, Érico Bruno Viana. The psychoanalytic psychopathology of perversions nowadays: a systematic review. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.2, pp.653-673. ISSN 1808-4281.

The concept of perversion has always been steeped by the classic psychiatric conception of a sexual and moral deviance and its status is usually poorly understood in psychoanalysis itself. This research aims at discussing the perversions within the psychoanalytic psychopathology. This is a theoretic-conceptual work, based on the Brazilian systematic literature review made through a survey on the website of Virtual Library of Psychology (BVS-PSI) of articles in 10 years (2003 - 2013), with the descriptors psychoanalysis, perversion and psychopathology. It was reached a total of twenty eight articles, which were summarized and categorized, leading to a systematization, interpretation and discussion. The results show that regarding the psychopathological characterization, literature tends to emphasize the Lacanian perspective and the object relations perspective post-Freudian models. The discussion often boils down to a historic resumption or a general deconstruction of the concept. It can be concluded that the current literature has not progressed in propose new theoretical constructs about perversions, demonstrating that the Freudian model of the fetish object formation still predominates as parameter for its understanding and that psychodynamic and structural discussions have decreased at the expense of broader sociological and historical criticism about the perversion as a medical-legal product of modernity.

Palavras-chave : perversion; psychopathology; psychoanalysis.

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