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vol.26 número2Fenomenologia da qualidade de vida de mães de crianças autistasExperiências anômalas e dissociativas em contexto religioso: uma abordagem autoetnográfica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

versão impressa ISSN 1809-6867


FERREIRA, Aurino Lima; SILVA, Laila Anine Candida da; SILVA, Sidney Carlos Rocha da  e  BEZERRA, Marlos Alves. Spiritualities in jungian and transpersonal psychotherapists: a brief phenomenological study. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2020, vol.26, n.2, pp.135-146. ISSN 1809-6867.

Spirituality as a human phenomenon presents itself as a significant aspect in the understanding and promotion of health, yet its study was neglected by psychological theories, with the exception of Jung's pioneering studies and the transpersonal approach. In this sense, we aim to present the vision of spirituality among psychologists from the city of Recife (in Brazil) who are guided by these theoretical lines, indicating how this phenomenon is experienced in their professional practices. We performed a phenomenological qualitative research that had as instrument the semi-structured interview with eight psychologists. The data were analyzed according to Bicudo's phenomenological approach and are in agreement with the scientific literature in this field, which indicates that there is no hegemonic definition of spirituality. There are visions of spiritualities, sometimes singular, sometimes common. Spirituality sometimes appears as synonymous with unconditional love, sometimes as access to the transcendent, without denying immanence. It also arises as internal energy and access to the Higher Self or just the Self. In the clinic it is considered as health promoter and approached from the demand in the Jungian perspective and seen as contextual in the transpersonal. We raised reflections on the importance of spirituality to the understanding of human being in its complexity.

Palavras-chave : Spirituality; Jungian psychology; Transpersonal psychology; Psychological clinic.

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