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vol.15 número3Maternidade versus sacrifício: uma análise do efeito moral dos discursos e práticas sobre a maternidade comumente engendrados nos corpos das mulheresPesquisando a dor do outro: os efeitos políticos de uma escrita situada índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

versão On-line ISSN 1809-8908


LINO, Tayane Rogeria; LIMA, Andréa Moreira  e  ALVES, Thais Francielle. On the Enunciation of Nonwhite Women in Science: An Analysis of the Intellectual Production of Gloria Anzaldúa and bell hooks. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2020, vol.15, n.3, pp.1-14. ISSN 1809-8908.

The present work seeks to investigate the speech/silence of colored women on the scientific production, having as its objective to establish a discussion around the enunciative locus of the subaltern subject on the contemporary social life, in the scientific field. We analyzed the texts "Black Intellectuals" written by bell hooks and "Speaking in tongues: a letter to the women writers from the third world" written by Gloria Anzaldúa were analyzed. The contributions of the text "Can the subaltern speak", by Gayatri Spivak (2010), was also used. The analysis points out that the studied writers are seeking new epistemological strategies, establishing a critical dialogue with distinct fields of thought. Women, so far produced as "knowledge objects" claim the production of local knowledge about themselves. So, they transit between the silence and the speech, between the absence of an audible production and the uncovering of an invisible history in an imperialist science.

Palavras-chave : Women; Science; Subalternity; Feminism; Experience Analysis.

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