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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

versão On-line ISSN 1809-8908


FRAZATTO, Carina Furlaneto. Discharge and Care at CAPS I: What the Medical Records Show?. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.4, pp.1-13. ISSN 1809-8908.

It is discussed the care realized in a Center for Psychosocial Care - CAPS I, from Paraná state, Brazil. For that, it was realized the collection of data in medical records of users, who were discharged from CAPS I, in 2015, and have been treated for periods between one and eleven years. As results, it was identified that the care process involved a range of interventions, however, the criteria for discharge were connected only to the improvement of the symptoms. It was observed that after joining the CAPS, the psychiatric hospitalization rate of users is low, but, before that, the history of hospitalization in the psychiatric hospital was present in about half of the cases. It was found possibilities and fragilities of the CAPS in constituting a substitute service to the psychiatric hospital. Finally, it was problematized the concept and the practice of the discharge from the CAPS.

Palavras-chave : Center for Psychosocial Care (CAPS); Patient discharge; Psychiatric reform; Mental health.

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