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Psicologia para América Latina

versão On-line ISSN 1870-350X


LIMA, Andréa Moreira. Feminist Epistemologies, Social Psychology and Postcolonialism: Approaches and Challenges. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2021, n.36, pp.251-263. ISSN 1870-350X.

The text presents the field of feminist epistemologies, discussing the main feminist critiques of traditional science model. It is a narrative bibliographical review based on the collection and analysis of classical and contemporary texts on the subject. / It is a narrative review based on the collection and analysis of classical and contemporary texts on the subject. Initially, the impacts of gender bias in the construction and consolidation of scientific hypotheses and theories are discussed. Next, the contributions of critical feminist social psychology and post-colonial studies in the interpretation of scientific knowledge are analysed, presenting political and academic initiatives to broaden the participation and representation of women in science, focusing on Latin American context. Despite the challenges still remaining in overcoming gender disproportionality in science, feminist perspectives have favoured a gradual expansion of women representation in scientific production, contributing to tackling gender inequality in all its dimensions.

Palavras-chave : feminist epistemologies; gender; feminisms; social psychology; postcolonialism.

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