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vol.8 número1Uma Resenha de Três Autores do Brasil Colonial a Partir da Ótica Agostiniana da TemporalidadeAlgunas Referencias de Lacan a la Psicología del Desarrollo de Charlotte Bühler (1936-1948) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia em Pesquisa

versão On-line ISSN 1982-1247


BALLESTE, Rômulo  e  PORTUGAL, Francisco Teixeira. Modern Visuality: Reflections About Goethe's and Schopenhauer's Works. Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2014, vol.8, n.1, pp.30-40. ISSN 1982-1247.

This article points out the value of the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Theory of Colours (1810) for the emergence of a new visuality regime in the 19th century, the pattern of subjective vision in the Western culture. His radically new attitude towards the chromatic phenomenon stands that the eye is a living organ and, therewith, it founds the visuality as a product of the physiological action of the eye. Schopenhauer, influenced by Goethe's work, will develop the subjective vision through the retinal divisibility. Although Goethe carried out a innovative work, the historiography of the modern Psychology, by supporting itself epistemologically on the positive method of the natural sciences, did not include Goethe's work in its domain, restricting it to a sort of eccentricity of the poet's spirit. We believe that the history of Psychology can be rethought.

Palavras-chave : Psychology of perception; visual modernity; Goethe; Schopenhauer.

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