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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares
versão On-line ISSN 2176-4891
CAMPOS, Carlos Alberto Guedes. D'uma política de transmissão em psicanálise. Trivium [online]. 2011, vol.3, n.1, pp.44-54. ISSN 2176-4891.
In this paper, I investigate the specificities of a transmission policy in psychoanalysis and propose a way to sustain what can be education in psychoanalysis. Highlighting the inclusion of each psychoanalyst enlaced with the practice of teaching as a structural necessity and inherent to the field of psychoanalysis. I've worked through Lacan's seminaries after his Proposition of October 9, in 1967 about the psychoanalyst in a school of psychoanalisis, searching passages that point to a policy of transmission and teaching, especially in the context of a school of psychoanalysis as a community of experience.
Palavras-chave : psychoanalysis; transmission; education; school.