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vol.6 número1Resistência e novas forças e formas de cooperaçãoCivilização, intolerância e alteridade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares

versão On-line ISSN 2176-4891


PINHO, Miriam Ximenes  e  ROSA, Miriam Debieux. Mourning in contemporary version: the memorial tattoos. Trivium [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.1, pp.18-28. ISSN 2176-4891.

The production of memorial tattoos after a significant loss is a phenomenon increasingly popular especially among Western young people. In this paper we aim to address the relationship between memorial tattoos, the changes in attitudes and collective representations of death and the singular invention of new rites of mourning. Death as a taboo topic has led to the suppression or downsizing of funeral rites which involve the disappearance of public mourning. The production of a memorial tattoo to some people is a way of questing for a rite much more likely to agree with the tastes and habits of younger generations. Marking the body in memory of someone lost can be seen as an attempt to summon the symbolic order and exposes the grief. A brand that arouses curiosity and appeals for deciphering. An act that brings back the public mourning.

Palavras-chave : Mourning; tattoo; memorial tattoo; psychoanalysis.

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