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vol.13 número4Experiências paternas em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatalPara além da bariátrica: revisão de literatura sobre as possíveis consequências psíquicas da cirurgia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia e Saúde

versão On-line ISSN 2177-093X


ARREDONDO, Nora Helena Londoño; RESTREPO, Liliana Catalina Calle  e  ROJAS, Zulma Berrio. Depression and anxiety in students who enter the university and associated stress factors. Rev. Psicol. Saúde [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.4, pp.121-138. ISSN 2177-093X.

Taking into consideration the high population of university students, is recognized the relevance of research about mental health done over this population. This research aimed to identify the depression and anxiety prevalence in students who begin the university, and establishing the relationship with stress. METHODOLOGY: 878 students asked (49.5% men and 50.5% women), average age 18.96 (DT4.2) from the three Colombian cites. Study done between 2017 and 2019 to students enrolled in the carriers of psychology, educaton, engineers, business science, architecture, integrated arts, and law. The instruments used were CES-D, SCL-90 and measurement of stressful events. OUTCOMES: The prevalence of symptoms of depression, anguish, and agoraphobia were 26.8%, 23%, and 7.3% respectively. Stress was established as a risk factor for depression (χ2 = 22. 9; p = 0. 00; OR = 2.356, 95% confdence interval, 1.651 - 3.564), anguish (χ2 = 55.246; p = 0. 00; OR = 5.813, 95% confdence interval, 2.644 - 5.498), and agoraphobia (χ2 = 55.246; p = 0.00; association value OR = 5.813, 95% confdence interval, 2.644 - 5.498; men: χ2 = 24.176; p = 0. 00). CONCLUSIONS: The loads of stress, both vital and interpersonal, have a significant weight in the appearance of symptoms of depression and anxiety in university students.

Palavras-chave : depression; anxiety; stress; college students; early detection.

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