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Psicologia Ensino & Formação
versão impressa ISSN 2177-2061versão On-line ISSN 2179-5800
BZUNECK, José Aloyseo e BORUCHOVITCH, Evely. Motivation and Self-regulation of Motivation in the Educational Context. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.73-84. ISSN 2177-2061.
Motivation is a key-construct in School and Educational Psychology. In consonance, in the first section of this paper, we present action perspectives, selectively based on motivational theories focused on reasons to engage to something, and attempt to answer three basic questions: What motivates students to learn? Who motivates them? How? The second part takes into account the same theoretical frameworks and is devoted to reflect upon the following questions: How to self-motivate? What are the strategies individuals can use to regulate their motivation in the educational context? We hope to provide the reader with information that can be useful to motivate someone to learn as well as to maintain his/her own motivation in an optimal level to facilitate quality of learning. We also expect that this theme will be more disseminated in psychologists’ education.
Palavras-chave : learning; self-regulation; motivation; educational psychology.