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Revista EPOS

versão On-line ISSN 2178-700X


PORCHAT, Patricia. O corpo: entre o sofrimento e a criatividade. Rev. Epos [online]. 2014, vol.5, n.1, pp.112-130. ISSN 2178-700X.

Bodily and gender subjective experiences challenge Psychoanalysis to reconsider its conceptual apparatus and to sustain an ethics which enables a careful and attentive listening. It puts into question the existence of a taboo in relation to the body that would prevent this listening. Bodily interventions and changes observed in transsexuals and transgender people experiences have been the subject of efforts to approximate Psychoanalysis and Queer Theory. We believe that this approximation will bring us the possibility to formulate concepts that might clear up the understanding of these experiences. In order to investigate the status of the body we separate it from gender and sexual norms by choosing three interlocutors: psychiatry - the hormone treatment of adolescent transsexuals; art and biotechnological feminism. This way of considering things allows us to take into account different aspects of deconstruction and reconstruction of the body.

Palavras-chave : Body; transsexuality; gender; queer theory.

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