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vol.8 número2Presente y futuro de los servicios de salud mental en ParaguayPatrones de comunicación en parejas y su relación con la satisfacción marital en profesores de una universidad privada de Asunción índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Eureka (Asunción) en Línea

versão On-line ISSN 2220-9026


VERA, Maria José Bellenzier  e  ESPINOZA, Eugenia Eliana González. User Satisfaction in two Hospitals in Caaguazú in the Second Semester of 2010. Eureka [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.2, pp.183-199. ISSN 2220-9026.

This research was conducted to find the difference in the degree of satisfaction of patients from two Caaguazú hospitals, using descriptive analysis and cross comparison and considering sociodemographic and hospital variables (Intra-subject and Inter-subject analysis). The sample consisted of 192 women and 58 men in Institution A, and 234 women and 16 men in Institution B, totaling 250 participants in each center. Intentional non-probabilistic voluntary participation was used to select the sample. There were significant differences in the groups Age and Education when analyzing the factors "Infrastructure" "Quality Care", "User Satisfaction" in Institutions A and B respectively. A high level of satisfaction was reported from the elderly and those patients with an education level of a primary school. Also, significant differences were found at the alpha 0.01 level with the factor "User Participation" in the comparison between the two institutions, where patients from Institution A (2,78) were satisfied and patients from Institution B (2,39) were unsatisfied.

Palavras-chave : User satisfaction; Hospital Center; Descriptive Analysis; Cross Comparison; Intra-subject and Inter-subject Analysis.

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