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vol.3 número4Contribuições para uma historiografia da psicanálise em Minas GeraisReflexões sobre a área de pesquisa Filosofia da Psicanálise: um depoimento sobre sua constituição em São Paulo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versão On-line ISSN 2316-5197


MOREIRA, Luiz Eduardo de Vasconcelos; BULAMAH, Lucas Charafeddine  e  KUPERMANN, Daniel. Among barons and basements: Amílcar Lobo and Psychoanalysis in Rio de Janeiro during the military dictatorship. Analytica [online]. 2014, vol.3, n.4, pp.173-200. ISSN 2316-5197.

This article intends to perform a critical analysis of the "Amílcar Lobo case" - physician who were member of a torture staff of the Army during the Brazilian military dictatorship being, simultaneously, undergoing psychoanalytic formation in the Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro (SPRJ). Regarding the case as an "analyzer" of the process of psychoanalytic institutionalization, it is demonstrated how the psychoanalytic societies affiliated to the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) - in that context of the history of our country - colluded with the instituted exception regime, as well as with the then current practices of torture. Finally, through a research regarding the transferential effects produced by the standardized model of psychoanalytic training, the way in which the psychoanalytic movement is implied in the production of the "Amílcar Lobo case" is problematized.

Palavras-chave : History of Psychoanalysis; Psychoanalyst Education; Transference; Psychoanalytical institutions; Dictatorship.

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