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vol.11 número20Tática, estratégia e política: debate sobre o poder em Foucault e LacanTransmissão psíquica em Freud, Lacan e René Kaës: aproximações e distanciamentos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versão On-line ISSN 2316-5197


MARTINS, Adriana Gaião; GONSALVES, Rodrigo  e  ESTEVAO, Ivan Ramos. Flat-Earth: Psychoanalytic Perspectives of a Movement. Analytica [online]. 2022, vol.11, n.20, pp.1-20. ISSN 2316-5197.

Currently, 7% of Brazilians doubt that the shape of the Earth is a globe. Tensioning scientific consensus, the flat-earth movement goes back to the Victorian era and reaches the present day, bypassing the scientific upheavals throughout history. This article proposes an investigation of the "flat-earthnist" movement as a social phenomenon and that, in order to sustain itself as such, investigates the subjective dimension present in the production of the phenomenon. From a study of the movement since its emergence until the present day, this study proposes a psychoanalytic appreciation, by Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, with historical and philosophical incursions, on the processes related to collective phenomena and religiosity - in their intersections and differences - as well as the narrative that promotes doubt about the production of scientific knowledge. The proposed discussion brings to light the offers proposed by the flat-earth discourse in face of the subjective effects derived from the indeterminations present in the current reality. Thus, the enunciation of the flat-earth movement offers determinations, as well as propositions of common coordinates, identificatory support corresponding to the logic of the groups, offerings of a truths and many certainties, and they present themselves as a protection against indeterminations, manifestations of discontent, helplessness, inconsistency, lack of guarantees and the invasions of the Real.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; Subjectivity; Flat-Earth; Indeterminacy; Lacan.

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