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Clínica & Cultura
versão On-line ISSN 2317-2509
TOROSSIAN, Sandra Djambolakdjian. Psychoanalytic listening in cruelty contexts. Clín. & Cult. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.2, pp.21-33. ISSN 2317-2509.
This paper aims to present reflections on the psychoanalytic listening of people who live in cruelty contexts. Clinical study -by telling stories heard in various contexts -is used as the method for clinical writing. It is argued that cruelty policies may produce resistance in the analyst listening and some paths for clinical work are appointed. Fundamentally, the problematization of psychoanalytic concepts by decentralization process of European production. Moreover, other way for clinical work is appointed and it includes the analyst interventions that will take into account actions for heterogenization of discourses of the Other, in case they are homogeneous.
Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; Clinical devices; Cruelty; Resistance; Decolonialism.