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Clínica & Cultura

versão On-line ISSN 2317-2509


CABRERA PEREZ, Pablo. State violence, memory and ethics: the treatment of neighbor. Clín. & Cult. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.2, pp.65-81. ISSN 2317-2509.

It deals with a theoretical reflection on the treatment of the other that has as antecedent an ongoing investigation that reconstructs life histories of civilians and ex-military that helped political persecuted in the Chilean military civic dictatorship (1973 - 1989). These stories testify to a memory that has remained relegated from the official narrative, even if we consider the history of the victims, as well as in terms of what that memory shows anchored in silent testimonies and biographies: In the midst of the terror of the dictatorship, forms of the social bond, subjectivities, and resistances were produced that account for the ethical dimension of the bond and the relationship to the other, that is, forms of the bond that the military dictatorship tried to close, in the same way as in Today, the individualist neoliberal ideal, indicates that form of the bond as belonging to another past and nonexistent era. Based on this finding, the value of memory, work of thought and the place of ethics are questioned from the perspectives of psychoanalysis and some approaches to political philosophy in the context of current Chilean society.

Palavras-chave : Dictatorship; violence; social bond; neighbor; ethics.

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