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Clínica & Cultura
versão On-line ISSN 2317-2509
ESTEVAO, Ivan e PRUDENTE, Sérgio. Psychoanalysis and the neoliberal subject: "soon all your psychoanalysis will fit within a pill". Clín. & Cult. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.2, pp.122-140. ISSN 2317-2509.
This article aims to discuss the status of the Lacanian conception of the subject within a neoliberal model. It starts from an introduction that situates certain questions of the subject's relationship with reality, making a partial analysis of the film Matrix. Then, we circumscribe the Lacanian concept of subject and its characteristics to later locate the conditions for the construction of a neoliberal subjectivity, having the discussion about the Monopoly game as operator. That done, we move towards the consequences of the articulation between the concept of subject and neoliberal subjectivity, which in addition to enabling a cynical and individualistic narcissistic society, also makes an elision of the affect of shame. The return of shame in today's society can be the engine for the phenomenon of certain suicides today.
Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; subject; Lacan; subjectivity; neoliberalism; shame.