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 número28A, B, C... do campo. Educação não formal e recreação para crianças rurais (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1969-1980)Intergeracionalidades em análise: (re)composições ético-estético-políticas em pesquisas-inter(in)venções com crianças e adultos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


AZEVEDO, Giselle Arteiro Nielsen; TANGARI, Vera Regina  e  FLANDES, Alain. Children's experience in the city: educational territories as a form of resistance. Desidades [online]. 2020, n.28, pp.111-126. ISSN 2318-9282.

ABSTRACT This article discusses the child as a subject of rights based on his spatial experiences and experience in the city. In a conception of childhood as critical citizenship, to think the child as a co-builder of educational territories, it gives visibility to subjects who generally do not have opportunities for opinion and participation in public policies. In other learning spaces that recognize the city's educational power, it is intended to value social participation as an coping action for the healthy resumption of classes and public space. Through the Affective Mapping of the city of Rio de Janeiro, students from municipal schools described their homeschool paths in different urban contexts, in addition to their desires for the city and its future. This work contributes to collective and shared construction of subsidies to the Sustainable Development Plan - PDS conducted by the Casa Civil - Rio de Janeiro City Hall.

Palavras-chave : educational territory; affective mapping; city; childhood.

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