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vol.11 número20A posição obsessiva frente ao saber: pontuaçõesOs significantes da escuta psicanalítica na clínica contemporânea índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1415-1138


MARTINEZ, Viviana Carola Velasco  e  MELLO NETO, Gustavo Adolfo Ramos. Hysterical pathos: depression and dramatization. Psyche (Sao Paulo) [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.20, pp.79-98. ISSN 1415-1138.

This article is part of a larger research that focuses on the Post-Freudian discourse on hysteria. We present here an analysis of the relationships between hysteria and depression, based on articles indexed by the American Psychology Association (APA). We exercise here a type of association among author's ideas, where one theme of a work takes to another one and it allows encompassing several focuses. Inside of that associative organization, let us say that we give certain prominence to the chronological factor of these productions. Three great themes can be defined in this discussion: losses, defenses and what we denominate here as contrariety. Finally, we establish relationships among hysteria, depression, femininity and culture.

Palavras-chave : Hysteria; Depression; Psychoanalysis; Culture; Femininity.

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