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Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3717


DAMIAO, Abraão Pustrelo  e  FELIX, Sueli Andruccioli. Modernity and neoliberal globalization: the "new" condition of labor and workers in the context of brief mentality. Cad. psicol. soc. trab. [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.2, pp.211-225. ISSN 1516-3717.

The article aims to reflect upon the current condition of labor. To carry it out we analyzed the dynamics of life that modernity offers us, as a project that has been influencing the formation of our subjectivity, our interaction and social organization, as well as directing ours actions. It aimed to, from a historical perspective, show the causes and consequences that the modernization process had on the development of the labor and the worker contemporaneity. Globalization and neoliberalism, as important instances of this development, are taken as privileged objects of research.

Palavras-chave : Modernity; Globalization; Labor; Instability.

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