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vol.29 número88Intervenção psicopedagógica com enfoque fonovisuoarticulatório em crianças de risco para dislexia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


SILVA, Bartira; LUZ, Thamires  e  MOUSINHO, Renata. The effectiveness of the workshop stimulation in a model of response to intervention. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.88, pp.15-24. ISSN 0103-8486.

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: This study compared the speed of reading and reading comprehension in students evaluated in two periods: before and after the workshops, through the Response to Intervention - Phonological Program, considering also the kind of intervention and different diagnoses. METHODS: We collected the results of assessments and reassessments of the speed of oral reading and reading comprehension in 19 children, from the 3rd to 7th grade, who were in speech therapy and teaching workshops in the period 2010-2 to 2011-1. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1: the effectiveness of the workshops was observed when comparing pre and post-test. We carried out the refinement of an experiment analyzing the effectiveness of workshops as diagnostics. Experiment 2: it divided the children into two groups: individual intervention (G1) and group intervention (G2). RESULTS: In experiment 1, there were significant differences when comparing pre-and post-test in reading speed and comprehension. By refining the search, there was no statistical difference by diagnosis. All students had increased speed reading and reading comprehension. In the second experiment was not achieved difference statistical significant between G1 and G2. DISCUSSION: When considering the speed of oral reading and comprehension, the effectiveness of workshops corroborates other studies. Several studies highlight the importance of different types of intervention and the relevance of this for the diagnostic identification. CONCLUSION: Independent of diagnosis and intervention proposal, all students showed significant improvement in pre and post-test in relation to speed and reading comprehension. The similar efficacy in the group and individual intervention shows that the first proposal may help to answer the high demand in the Unified Health System (SUS).

Palavras-chave : Dyslexia; Reading; Learning.

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