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vol.40 número121Impactos do isolamento social no desenvolvimento de pré-escolaresAltas habilidades: Indicativos sobre inteligência lógico-matemática no pensamento computacional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


RIBEIRO, Victor Barbosa et al. Change in the emotional state of teachers in the Brazilian basic education. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2023, vol.40, n.121, pp.28-37. ISSN 0103-8486.

The present study evaluated the association between mental health and work environment factors among Brazilian teachers. In order to achieve that, a semi-structured questionnaire with socioeconomic questions and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were applied to 499 teachers, recruited through Facebook and Instagram. Among these, 391 were female and 108 were male. It was found that 32.7% had an improbable anxiety score; 26.8% possible and 40.5% probable. On the other hand, 45.1% had an improbable depression score; 31.5% possible and 23.4% probable. It was identified that being female had a negative effect on anxiety and depression scores (p<0.001); as well as inadequacy and dissatisfaction with income (p<0.001); work environment classified as poor or regular (p<0.001); inadequate physical space (p<0.001); having suffered violence caused by students or their respective parents (p<0.001). Furthermore, working for 40 hours or else (p=0.030) was indicative of greater anxiety. Many Brazilian teachers suffer from anxiety and depression and controllable factors interfere directly. It is suggested that public authorities and private school owners intervene in these contexts to prevent the health of these professionals from collapsing.

Palavras-chave : Teachers; Anxiety; Depression; School Violence.

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