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vol.8 número2Violência do Estado, memória e ética: o tratamento do próximoMemória e Infância: Reflexões sobre o Acolhimento Institucional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Clínica & Cultura

versão On-line ISSN 2317-2509


FAUSTINO, Deivison. Colonial malaise: racism and psychic suffering in Brazil. Clín. & Cult. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.2, pp.82-94. ISSN 2317-2509.

With this paper I aim to explain the relevance of the theme "racism" for the approach of subjectivity in Brazil, in particular, and Latin America, in general. The challenge facing us here is to elucidate the colonial dimensions of contemporary sociability, its unworked ghosts and its implications for the subjectivity of blacks and whites. Taking as a starting point the intellectual production of Frantz Fanon, Lélia Gonzales and György Lukács, I establish an approximate dialogue between sociology and psychoanalysis in order to offer a critical analysis, located in the global South of capitalist society, that recognizes racism as a social determinant of psychological distress and, above all, involve the search for political, clinical and pedagogical devices that act to promote mental health in an anti-racist perspective.

Palavras-chave : sociogeny; psychoanalysis; racism; psychological distress.

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