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versão impressa ISSN 1413-666X


AGAZZI, Giselle Larizzatti. El romance en Angola: ficción e história en Pepetela. Imaginario [online]. 2006, vol.12, n.13, pp.191-208. ISSN 1413-666X.

The novel formation in Angola dialogues with the formation of the Angolan nation itself. Fiction and History keep, thus, a narrow relation, which can be known through the works of Pepetela, one of the most important writers in the country since the years that preceded independence. This text intends to point to the way how his narratives, read in set, describe thematically and esthetically a movement that oscillates between the revolutionary perspectives and the deepest melancholy, tried with the bankruptcy of the project for the construction of a fair and egalitarian society. In order to illuminate the social imaginary propagated by the Pepetela’s novels, the critique of materialistic culture is adopted as the theoretical reference.

Palavras-chave : Angola; Fiction; History; Novel; Pepetela.

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