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vol.12 número13Expressões latinas e a constituição do imaginário em “O barril de Amontillado” índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1413-666X


PASIN, Enrique Carretero. Festive culture. The imaginary thing dislocates the daily thing. Imaginario [online]. 2006, vol.12, n.13, pp.439-456. ISSN 1413-666X.

This article approaches, from an anthropologicalsociological perspective, the understanding of the deep logic that presides over certain ritual manifestations of the contemporary culture in which a festive spirit expresses itself. First, it analyzes how in the West the implantation of an excluding and totalitarian model of rationality takes place that prohibits the order of the imaginary thing. Later, it examines the holiday as the privileged space where this rationality is broken and goes out to re-illuminate the imaginary one blocked socially. Finally, he proves to be a fundamental existing overlap between the spirit of the holiday and the capacity of the imaginary thing to go beyond the instituted reality.

Palavras-chave : Modernity; Reason; Imaginary; Holiday.

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