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Construção psicopedagógica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-6954versão On-line ISSN 2175-3474


GASPARIAN, Maria Cecilia Castro. Interdisciplinarity as a work method in learning issues and as a construction of knowledge throghout school and family. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.16, pp.129-150. ISSN 1415-6954.

This article is intended to show some essential points that define interdisciplinarity as an important concept and form of action in Psychopedagogy. Interdisciplinary is actually a reflex of changes that we can begin to overview in the philosophical, scientific and educational methods of nowadays. As my objective I will show the possibility of working amongst both family and school using this approach. In order for this article to have theoretical foundation and defined line of thought, it is based upon the ecologic, systemic, critical and complex views in which Psychopedagogy is also based on. Interdisciplinary emerges as a work method e points directions for a more effective psychopedagogical practice that enables individuals to face difficulties of contemporarity where both school and families in which children have learning difficulties can acquire more competence and abilities to deal with and face their issues.

Palavras-chave : Methodology; Interdisciplinary; Education; Psychopedagogy.

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