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Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología

versão impressa ISSN 1946-2026


SANTANA, Carlos Rivera. Una colonización doble vinculante: Una reflexión política, legal y crítica. Rev. Puertorriq. Psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.24, pp.01-09. ISSN 1946-2026.

This article presents a critical reflection about cultural diversity in the context of colonization. In the context of Puerto Rico colonization manifests cultural and bureaucratic expressions of subjugation that influence the phenomena of cultural diversity. An approach to the historicity of the constitution of colonization of Puerto Rico reveals that the minority logic not only marginalizes but also privileges politically. Therefore in a nation of minorities cultural diversity is marginalized bureaucratically and culturally. This is expressed by the total absence of public policy in Puerto Rico that deals with cultural diversity. This contradictory process works to reconstitute the subjugation practice that colonization suggests and to marginalises any other group that does not accommodate to the logic of the minority nation. This evokes important questions that make necessary the colonization topic to confront these hegemonic discourses through the visibilization of its processes.

Palavras-chave : Cultural diversity; critical psychology; colonization; Puerto Rico.

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